6 Pack Attack

I have set a new goal for myself. I'm after a 6 pack. Now, I don't want to be so ridiculously ripped that you could grate cheese on my abs (although that would be a good party trick!) but I would like some visible definition, please and thanks.

To achieve this goal, I am doing a mix of cardio to blitz away the fat covering my abdominal muscles and some core exercises to work the ab muscles, which are the internal and external obliques at my sides, rectus abdominus, spinal flexors and the transverse abdominals which are the deepest of the ab muscles, in the lower part of the abdominals ladies take note, this is the horizontal muscle which wraps around your core like a corset and when tightened, contributes to a flat stomach. I found this website which explains the different muscles.

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I've been doing my core exercises about 3 or 4 mornings a week, running about 3 times and I'm still doing some Psycle classes (just once a week).

Here is my exercise routine:

The whole set takes about 20 or 25 minutes, depending on how many breathers are needed!

I'm continuing with my running all the time as I'm still training for my half marathon in September. Last Sunday and Wednesday I did interval training. My friend made up a sprint music mix, where she has inserted computerised cues so that you: jog for 30 seconds, sprint for 30 seconds, jog for 45 seconds, sprint for 45 seconds, jog for 60 seconds, sprint for 60 seconds, jog for another 60 seconds, sprint for 60 seconds, jog for 45 seconds, sprint for 45 seconds, jog for 30 seconds, and sprint for 30 seconds and then enjoy a cool down song. I'm looking forward to doing this again. Interval training is brilliant for blasting fat and boosting your metabolism, which works at an accelerated rate for the following 1.5 24 hours or so after a session like this*. For some ideas and information on interval training check out this website.

Of course, a huge part of being fit and healthy is also eating right, and refuelling properly after training. I had a delicious lunch on Wednesday that I just have to tell you about: spinach salad, boiled and seasoned sweet potato cubes, mozzarella, orange pepper, cooked mushrooms, chicken thigh cooked in sesame oil, sunflower seeds and some balsamic vinegar. Oh.My.Days. It tasted incredible. I could eat that everyday. I forgot to take a picture but it looked something like this:

I don't usually deny myself and treats if I want them but I have been quite generous to myself lately so I'm trying to be a bit healthier and replace a bit of chocolate or biscuit with Greek yoghurt and honey or fruit. I'm usually pretty relaxed at the weekend so I like to be extra good during the week and eat what I want at the weekend (like the reverse 5:2 diet!) Also, it's always good to have some cake credit stored up for the weekend!

So that's all for now. I'm going to try really hard to achieve this goal and hopefully in the not too distant future I will have some results I'll be proud to share with you. For me, the best motivation of all is seeing the results of the hard work you put in.

(and here is photographic evidence of me taking advantage of that cake credit I was talking about!)

*According to the American College of Sports Medicine article (and numerous other articles).

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Article Inspirations

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Posted in Home Post Date 03/20/2021






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